Special Effects

Create unforgettable moments with high-quality displays!

We love what we do, and it shows in our work!

Have a project you’re passionate about? Let’s work together to make your vision a reality.


Confetti & Streamers

Cryogenic Jets

Dry Ice Fog Machine

Laser Shows

Firework Shows


Flame Effects

Smoke Bombs

Confetti & Streamer Machines

These are perfect for punctuating high points in a celebration especially where fireworks may not be an option. The product is propelled safely from almost any location and greatly enhances the excitement of the audience.

No permits are typically needed for this effect.

Dry Ice Fog Machine

Dry Ice Machines produce a thick white fog that hugs the floor and dissipates without rising.

This is a popular option for a dance floor at weddings and the first dance.

Fireworks & Firework Shows

Fireworks are the “go to” special effect when you’re creating an event finale. We design each fireworks display from scratch to your precise requirements and budget! We’ll put together a memorable display that will get your audience talking.

Fire Jets & Flame Effects

Flames can create a tremendous atmosphere for many events, from product launches and music performances to big match days.
They can be used in addition to firework displays or they’re just as effective when used on their own.

Cryogenic Jets

Extremely popular in clubs, tours, theaters, and theme parks; CO2 Cryo Jets are a staple product in the world of special effects. These products use liquid CO2 or Nitrogen to cryogenically create “frozen fog” that immediately dissipates.

Laser Light Shows

Every single laser show will be specially designed and created for your specific needs. For a perfect show presentation, our qualified team works with you every step of the way.
We offer more services for your convenience, like transport, construction, and deconstruction of the laser show equipment, along with an operator if you need one.


Our sparkulars produce a cold spark that is safe, odorless and emits a low smoke output. These effects are great for indoor and outdoor applications- from first dances to corporate events or major award shows.

Smoke Bombs & Smoke Grenades

We offer a variety of colorful smoke bombs! Popular at gender reveal parties and weddings, smoke bombs add a dreamlike quality to photos that sparklers just can’t compete with.

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Our experts are ready to help you build your next event!